The Vast Frontier of the Emerging Technologies Landscape
As the offerings of the technology world simultaneously diversify and specialize, we recognize that we are on the frontlines of what is becoming an exciting but swift current of change. We can feel the sands shift beneath our feet as one small change in the landscape creates a valley of additional needs.
But business, as in life, is about the journey not the destination. Right? NOMAD has been traversing the technology landscape seeking ways to build up on the existing foundation.
Capitalizing on existing resources. Stretching them. Repurposing them. Making your company a more vibrant, healthy, efficient version of itself.
From Legacy Broadcasters like ABC, CBS, NBC to those companies trying to survive the “cord-cutting” epidemic like Comcast, Direct TV, and Dish Network, corporations are engaging in costly initiatives but continue to miss the mark.
In 2018, Netflix was nominated for 112 Emmys – ending a 17-year run by HBO as the top -nominated network. More than 50% of US streaming subscriptions are to Netflix. Their market cap in October 2018 was $131 billion, with shares priced at $300. But in the US, Netflix is not king of streaming content. That title belongs to YouTube.
However any of this shakes out, one thing is clear: streaming is the predominant method through which people access film and television content.
What makes streaming so successful?So many things. And because it takes so many things to be successful, you need a tool that can keep up; a tool that will adjust as the landscape changes; a tool that allows you to employ new advertising revenue models.
It’s not that you need to travel with completely different people. Rather, you simply need a different kind of transportation to get where you are going.
NOMAD is that perfect pair of Tevas.
We looked at the current landscape and the direction we need to go and developed a solution that seamlessly integrates with legacy, is cloud native, and guides you through the vast desert of metadata and content.
We organize, analyze, and categorize assets regardless of the medium. Then we dynamically generate and manage rich asset data and tags to uncover vibrant, hidden information inside, unlocking new revenue opportunities, and finally we create and manage rich discovery channels for content delivery and robust user experiences.
We can publish out to any front, user interface, device, or end user design. We have native hooks into any external data provider. NOMAD is open, allowing you to use Amazon AWS, Microsoft, or Google for AI, or data sources like IMDB, or electronic program guides from anywhere in the world.
This is a journey that is best travelled together. It allows us to learn, to develop, refine, and launch tools that free your employees to focus on other areas of your company.
Don’t feel like you need to travel alone. We will be with you every step of the way.
Just give us a minute to grab our Tevas…