Media2Cloud Connector

Your easy solution for moving video assets and associated metadata to the cloud.

Quickly and easily ingest, store,
and manage content in the cloud.

Nomad is one of the premiere integration and deployment partners for AWS Media2Cloud, your out-of-the-box solution for accelerating the implementation of a serverless framework and the set up and configuration of a content ingest process.

This brings the ability for businesses to bring an OTT metadata enrichment and discovery system to their existing S3 assets. Nomad augments S3 asset storage without requiring any changes to the existing asset structure or files themselves – and automatically integrates with Media2Cloud and other AWS AI/ML services. Confidence scores, labels, transcriptions, and other AI enrichment is used to tag each asset with appropriate discovery information. Searching and publishing activities are used to make the resulting metadata available to custom solutions or in support of other integration activities.

How it works with Nomad:

Nomad is one of the premiere integration and deployment partners for AWS Media2Cloud, your out-of-the-box solution for accelerating the implementation of a serverless framework and the set up and configuration of a content ingest process. This brings the ability for businesses to bring an OTT metadata enrichment and discovery system to their existing S3 assets. Nomad augments S3 asset storage without requiring any changes to the existing asset structure or files themselves – and automatically integrates with Media2Cloud and other AWS AI/ML services. Confidence scores, labels, transcriptions, and other AI enrichment is used to tag each asset with appropriate discovery information. Searching and publishing activities are used to make the resulting metadata available to custom solutions or in support of other integration activities.

With the Media2Cloud Integration, users can:

Create a simple web interface

Easily upload, browse and search image, audio, and video files

Automatically analyze and extract machine learning metadata from content

Automatically create and manage labeling jobs

Automatically create and manage labeling jobs

“When combined with Nomad, Media2Cloud provides an out-of-the-box solution
for the implementation and configuration of a serverless framework.”

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See how Nomad can save you hours
and increase your media ROI
